The battle between Sir Mick Jagger and the Queen

The battle between Sir Mick Jagger and the Queen

“I thought it was ludicrous to take one of those gongs from the establishment when they did their very best to throw us in jail and kill us at one time”
12 December 2023 1:34AM

Arise Sir Mick!.

You can almost hear Keith Richard’s spewing obscenities at his long time mate. Keith did say of the moment “I thought it was ludicrous to take one of those gongs from the establishment when they did their very best to throw us in jail and kill us at one time”

It was today in 2003 that old rubber lips was knighted, and it was rumoured that Her Majesty was utterly disappointed with the selection of Jagger for a knighthood.

Propelled by Tony Blair and his insistence on ringing his idea of ‘Cool Britannia’ entirely dry, Jagger’s selection met strong opposition, with Queen Elizabeth II reportedly replying to the initial selection with two words: “not suitable”.

In fact Her Majesty did not actually perform the ceremony for medical reasons, or as some pointed out…to avoid the ‘ghastly man’ so Prince Charles stepped in to do the deed.

Sir Mick was all smiles afterwards as his father aged 92 was there to see his son receive the honour. Here is Sir Mick with his dad Joe and daughters Elizabeth (right) and Karis, holding the knighthood.